Friday, December 23, 2011
Happy Christmas!
We had 2 festive Branch/Constituency events:
The annual Gala dinner of the South Leicestershire Constituency was well-attended, and included a lovely meal; music; an informative speech from Liz Kendall, (Leicester West), and was held at our usual comfortable venue of Braunstone Town. A raffle, and a most professionally executed auction of items including Houses of Commons and Lords goods, raised funds for the Constituency. We hope the Boundary Commission does not decide to break up our Constituency! Our views have been expressed to the Commission, and we await their decision.
Our Christmas Quiz was on - guess what!! - politics! It was a very successful and enjoyable event, held in Brauton-Astley, with quite stunning displays of knowledge from some participants! A very pleasant evening was passed, with festive drinks and nibbles, and the raffle raised a nice contribution for our funds! Many thanks to David for organising it again!
Happy Christmas to all, from the Branch
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
One law for the corporate...

Monday, December 05, 2011
Movement for Change
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Are some fiddles more acceptable than others?

Status Zero Generation
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Great win for Sally
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Unison's Vision Principles for the NHS
- The NHS remains a free, comprehensive, public service, funded by taxation rather than health insurance or 'top-ups'.
- Access to the NHS continues to depend on need, not the ability to pay.
- Improvements in the quality and responsiveness of services are achieved through a continuing process of engagement in partnership with service users, staff and trade unions.
- NHS staff are valued and supported in their work.
- Determining pay, terms and conditions for NHS staff continues to be a UK-wide activity.
- The NHS is accountable, both locally and to Parliament.
- Equality is fully and effectively embedded in the delivery of healthcare provision.
- NHS organisations will work collaboratively across geographical areas to help deliver specialist services and with social care, to ensure services are shaped around the needs of users and carers.
- Patients will receive high quality care which conforms to national standards.
- Quality and efficiency is delivered through public health care provision rather than competition between private providers.
These seem like statements of the obvious - but every one of them is under threat from Lansley's sledgehammer bill of which there was no mention in the Tory manifesto only 17 months ago. Indeed, Cameron made specific electoral pledges not to destroy our NHS.
We are allowed a referendum on self-serving voting systems and lots of Tories were happy to defy their own government whips to demand a referendum on the terms of our EU membership - but the NHS, by far Britain's greatest and most enduring achievement of the last hundred years, is being systematically dismantled even before the bill has passed through Parliament.
Clicking on the post title will take you to the Unison campaign material and there's loads of other useful stuff on their website,
Finally, congratulations to Sonia and Annie and the rest of Market Harborough Branch for organising this important event.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Legal Aid Cuts
Sunday, October 23, 2011
October Branch meeting
Our speaker was Tristan Koriya on Social Housing. He explained how it is currently in crisis with a severe shortage of suitable homes, and how this adversely effects employment, health and education. The reckless Government proposal of having Council Housing for only a limited tenancy would further increase these highly undesirable effect, and would be likely to lead to break down and destabilisation of communities. Suggestions inclded raising stamp duty on second homes to contribute towards social housing; better regulation of private renting of property; and tax breaks for good private landlords.
We are looking forward to our speaker at the November meeting: Professor Sue Maguire of Warwick University on Youth Unemployment.
Friday, September 23, 2011
...with apologies to Lewis Caroll....
`Twas Ofsted and the slithy Gove
Did whine and bluster in the House.
The Tories all feigned love
For him, but thought he was a louse.
"Beware the Milliband", said Dave.
"That nasal twang, those stary eyes!
The Coalition is unsafe;
Lib Dems seek your demise."
Gove took his Parker pen in hand
(A present from his Aunty Maud.)
Long time his policies he planned,
Though he was really bored.
He came up with a scheme so vague
That no one could make sense of it.
He ran it past his mate, Will Hague,
Who thought it total sh.. rubbish.
"The system`s simple" he averred:
"Grammar, Comprehensive, Free...."
His colleagues thought it quite absurd -
"State and Academy..."
"Voluntary Aided or Controlled
Sponsored and Foundation."
His master plan he did unfold
To a bewildered nation.
So, Govey waffled on and on
(He suffered from delusion.)
He thought his arguement was won,
But all was mere confusion.
He said the Independent Schools
Could help those who has less,
But even a half-witted fool
Foresaw an Eton mess!
`Twas Ofsted and the slithy Gove
Did whine and bluster in the House.
For him the Commons have no love;
All think he is a louse.
Ken Kaylor, Arnesby
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
We're all off to Daventry!
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Fabians Autumn Events
Monday, September 05, 2011
Confusing service with profit
That's a very expensive unloved service of which we see precious little sign out here in the sticks.
How did this catastrophe come about? Well, it started with consultants who, to be fair, predicted the service would make a loss during the bedding-in period but assured elected members it would be turning a useful surplus by now. The recession has obviously been a factor. But how can parking enforcement in a county with as few car parks as we have, none of which charge a huge amount, possibly cost anything remotely like a quarter-of-a-million?
And why is the County looking to make a profit from the misbehaviour of a small number of residents and visitors? Break-even should be the target, a small surplus an unlooked-for bonus.
It's all very well bringing the disciplines of private sector business to bear on the activities of public sector organisations. But the 'business' of councils is service, not profit. Confuse the two and you're not going to satisfy either your auditors or your electors.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Labour at Lutterworth Feast Day
NHS is one of the most efficient health systems
It shows the NHS saved more lives pound for pound than any other developed country over the past 25 years, with the exception of Ireland. Our NHS is both cheaper, and saves more lives. Of the 17 countries considered, the USA had one of the least effective health systems.
So why do we need costly changes to the NHS? It is working very well now. The Governments "reasoning" for the changes are the "inefficiency" of the NHS, but these results prove him wrong. Choice and competition, as recommended by the Tories, causes dismal results, if the USA is anything to go by.
As a worker of over 30 years in the NHS, it is good to see a positive piece of news on the subject. What a pity Mr Lansley doesnt act on the facts.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Government plan badger cull against scientific evidence
Why is the government going against scientific advice? How will the Government ensure the safety of the public and their animals taking an evening stroll? Why has the results of the Government Poll of the public not been published?
We need to look at more effective and scientific methods of controlling TB such as vaccination of both cattle and badgers.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Branch Speakers and Discussions
In February we had a discussion on the merits and de-merits of AV voting, led by Branch member Roger Wood; in March, a lively talk entitled "The Watergate Babies" on American politics was given by David Morgan of Milton Keynes. In April, a sombre discussion on the recent Tory cuts was led by Willy Bach. In June there was a thought provoking session on Climate Change, introduced by David Gair.
Branch members also attended a Constituency meeting in June to discuss the document "Refounding Labour" and send our Branch and Constituency views to the National Executive of the Party.
The Branch has further speakers lined up for Autumn meetings, on aspects of Housing and Education.
Party in the rain!
Lutterworth Branch will once again be having a stall at Lutterworth Feast day on August 20th. At this event, we will be raising money for the Mayors Appeal, as is our usual policy.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Supporting independent shops
- making shop fronts more attactive
- better street signage
- making the general environment more welcoming to shoppers.
For more details, click on the post title.
What are the chances of our Tory councils in Harborough and Glenfield doing anything similar (or, indeed, anything at all) to help our struggling independents in Lutterworth and Broughton?