New Voice 1984

The newsletter of the Labour Party in Lutterworth
Number One....................Autumn 1984


On the eve of the Euro Election, Jim Mortimer,                                              Euro Result
General Secretary of the Labour Party, addressed                                        Labour's back in
a public meeting at the Swiftway Centre.  After                                           second place
speaking of the need for a strong Socialist                                                   The 48809 votes won
coalition in Europe, Jim went on to criticise the                                           by Labour's candidate
record of the present government.                                                                 John Dickie in the
                                                                                                                       European Election has
                       On Taxes                                                                                 shown that Labour is
"The policy of the Conservative government has                                          now the only serious
been to widen inequality.  Those who have gained                                       threat to the Tories.
the most from tax cuts are the wealthiest in our                                               John would like to
society while the poorest have suffered most from                                        thank everyone who
the extension of indirect taxation."                                                                 voted for him and
                                                                                                                        supported Labour's
                     On Cruise                                                                                   Campaign!
"The presence of these missiles, under American                                          -------------------
control, does not add to the defence of Britain,
but adds to the danger of Britain."                                                                 Labour MP TONY BLAIR
                                                                                                                        is in Lutterworth on
                    The Miners' Strike                                                                      August 30th, to hand
"The struggle of the miners isn't just a struggle                                             out the first copies
in their own interest. it is a struggle against                                                   of New Voice.
the deliberate de-indistrialisation of Britain."

                    Unemployment - A Labour Answer                                          --------------------
"It is really absurd when we have millions of                 
unemployed that we still have millions of workers                                       Stan Brown Memorial
who are working overtime.  We in the Labour Party                                               Evening
believe that one way to reduce unemployment would                                   September 28th
be to encourage earlier retirement - on adequate
pensions - and to encourage the trend towards a                                           Guest Speaker
shorter working week."                                                                                  Geoffrey Robinson MP

                   NHS - The Deepest Cuts
"Since the Conservative Party came to power                                                    Starts 7.30pm
something like 8000 hospital beds have been lost.                                        The Swiftway Centre
Can you imagine a stronger charge against any                                                  Lutterworth

p. 2

Restoring hope to the people of Britain - Margaret Beckett

Speaking at the Swiftway Centre, Social Services Spokesperson
Margaret Beckett MP, said that the Labour Party faced the task of
restoring hope to the people of Britain.  Many people were now
seriously concerned that the Welfare State which had given hope
and self respect to millions of families was being threatened by
the Conservative Government.  She pointed out that many existing
benefits were already insufficient to meet people's needs.  Since
these benefits were not intended to meet problems like mass
unemployment which forced people to be dependent on these
benefits for far longer than was ever intended when these
benefits were introduced.  She spoke with concern about the
reviews taking place in the benefits system under Rhodes Boyson
which were aimed simply at saving money.  Margaret finished by
saying that the Government's claim that it could not afford to
continue with or make improvements to the Welfare State was
totally untrue, all this meant was that the Government wanted to
spend its money on other things.
will be speaking at The Unicorn Lutterworth
on Thursday August 30th starting at 7.30pm.

Ordinary people are getting a rough deal at the moment.  A
Labour Government, with a proven record of fairness and care for
ordinary people, and a programme to provide work for the
unemployed, is the only alternative to Mrs Thatcher.

Why don't you join us?  We can't do it without you.

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