Sunday, December 13, 2020

County Council update

David Fish drew this BBC news item to my attention.  Regular visitors will recall earlier posts regarding the generous loan from Leicestershire County Council when they got into financial difficulties.  Obviously, this would have been fine if the councillors had passed the hat round and dug into their own expenses to bail out their fellow Tories.  Unfortunately they didn't, and the money they lent was ours - the money that is supposed to be for social care and children and all those little services which our county council is unequivocally awful at.  Still, it's only a loan.  We'll get it back, right?

To coin a phrase, I wouldn't put money on it.  Northamptonshire County Council is bankrupt and long since voted for its own extinction.  I cannot figure out what exactly the body that operates in its place is called.  If I could, naturally, I would post it here to help out all the other bodies, businesses, and rate-payers who are owed many, many millions.  Anyway, the BBC has helpfully summarised the prospects for seeing anything of the Leicestershire Loan repaid.

Just thought Leicestershire residents might want an update just in case we are allowed county elections next year.  Especially given the news that we'll all be paying more council tax to swell the Glenfield property portfolio.

By the way, nice offices the non-existent Northamptonshire CC built themselves, aren't they?  Bet they cost a pretty penny...

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Lutterworth East Given Go Ahead Despite Local Concerns

Speaking after the virtual Planning Meeting, Lutterworth Labour Councillor Paul Beadle said:

"I am extremely disappointed by the decision to give the massive development at Lutterworth East the go-ahead, despite local concerns.

"Permission was nodded through despite members acknowledging that County's current plan isn't the best option for relieving traffic in the town centre, and despite serious concerns around noise, air pollution and road safety.

"It was a narrow vote, going through five to four.  It was extremely disappointing that of those voting for the application none represented Lutterworth.  Speakers from Lutterworth were all opposed to the application in its current form but our objections counted for nothing."

Monday, March 16, 2020

Constituency Dinner - Special Guest

Back in the distant days of a fortnight ago, when gatherings of more than fifty people were still acceptable, JESS PHILLIPS MP was the guest of honour at the South Leicestershire Constituency Dinner, held at the Kingsway Centre in Braunstone Town.