Friday, August 30, 2013

Ed Miliband's Syria Speech

The full text of Ed Miliband's speech on intervention in Syria can be found here:

Essential reading, not just for Labour members, but for everyone who takes a moral stance on declaring war.

You can also see it here.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Britain's rip-off energy prices

The Party has launched a series of comparisons like the above on its Facebook page.  If you're not already Labour's Facebook friend, shouldn't you be?  I have to say, I thought the divergence between cost and ability to pay would be more extreme.  Oh...  I see... I'm thinking of water.

Seriously though, a commitment to make these parasites invest some of their gargantuan profits in UK energy infrastructure would be a guaranteed election-winner.  I would also suggest that the independent parliamentary watchdog should make it impossible for ministers' blind trusts to invest in privatised utilities.  The purpose of blind trusts is to ensure disinterested decision-making - but any minister since the turn of the century must know that any trustee worth their salt would be failing in his or her duty if they didn't buy up these surefire money-spinners by the lorry-load.  No tax, no investment, low wages, profits up ten per cent year on year, every year - the investors' dream.